This is exactly, 100% correct. I just looked it up: (and also cross-referenced)
Thats not general knowledge, how did you know the whole equation + colour change??
LOL @ _deloso, anode half-equation produces H+ (Hydrogen ions)..... Hence, why the solution becomes acidic and litmus papers turns red.
(Cathode also produces OH-)
Farrout, your friend is F'd btw :P Scaling can't help him, with a raw mark that low!!
Yeahh my school didnt go through pracs. properly aswell. But i read about it somewhere. 0.1 mol/L was considered dilute, hence 0.05 mol/L is def. dilute.
This prac. was meant to STRESS the importance of using BRINE (This is just CONC. NaCl) in Electrolytic cells; not just dilute NaCl
I did:
Anode: 2H20 --> O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e- [Used standard potential tables]
Cathode: 2H20 + 2e- --> H2 (g) + 2OH- [Also on standard potential sheet]
Looking at the products, this explains for the change of the litmus paper. Btw, Cl2 (g) bleaches litmus paper WHITE
70+ isnt good enough --" i wanted atleast a band 6. ERGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i underperformed in all my exams :(
Without Band 6's i will starve; my instiable hunger for success unappeased. Ok i'll shutup LMAO
I said 15 LOL . I think its C (you and nav. said it was A). Oswald process, i just talked about temp/pressure required for all of them.... related to equilibrium...then talked about activation energy, particicle colission theory and noted that VERY different exothermic conditions between the 1st...
haha yeahh i found the option topic hard (even though, a few others found it relatively easy)
And why is it conc. sulfuric acid?!?!?! Does it act as a dehydrating agent or something, thereby removing the colour of the crystals??