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  1. S

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    Transferred into Journalism/Law after my first year of straight journalism at UTS. Pretty excited, just for getting in, though I'm still not 100 per cent sure I'll pick it up . . . anyway, congratulations to everyone with their offers, and I hope you all enjoy your courses!
  2. S

    UTS v. UOW?

    Hey guys. I just want to know your thoughts on what uni/course I should do next year. My first preference is Journalism/Law at UTS. 97.2. But, I'm slightly below that, with 96.5. Considering there's a decent chance I won't get into the UTS double, I'm wondering whether I should put just...
  3. S


    ptrgrgry, is there a particular reason why your short story is at 6000 words? maybe you could justify why you kept it at that number in your reflection statement? e.g. if you had 3 stories, to give an overall sense of balance and unity. or something like that?
  4. S


    I'm not sure about all of them, but some of the form options you can choose for EE2 are: Short Story. Film. Radio Script. Poetry. Speeches. Critical Response. And if you choose the short story form, you have 6000 - 8000 words to work with. 8000 words is the limit. I'm sure all of the form...
  5. S

    How Much Hours of Study Should I do?????

    Well. It depends on: 1). How well you do at school naturally. 2). How much effort you have to put in to do well. It could be different for different people. Someone who has a natural aptitude for maths could do a lot less study than someone who struggles to understand it and still do just as...
  6. S

    anyone else really frsutrated with their classmates?

    If you're ranking one, the scaling of the others shouldn't affect you too badly. Because you'll be getting one of the highest marks in the external exams. Just make sure you keep ranking highly, and don't worry too much about your classmates. Is there anything you can really do? Possibly the...
  7. S

    Reflection Statement & Progress?

    You could also have a look at how some of the people who have posted their major works up here structured their Reflection Statements, as those are also posted. It might give you just a general idea as to how most people structured their RS.
  8. S

    Do school teachers mark body of work ?

    They might have your body of work marked as an assessment. So it's kind of like a test or assignment, or perhaps like your journal if that has been marked. But they won't mark it externally. It gets sent away to a panel of markers who will mark your major work. They won't know who you are...
  9. S

    Reflection Statement & Progress?

    Well, I'm not sure if you've checked it out yet, but there's this: I found their Report post pretty helpful, but I haven't checked out the Reflection Statement post yet. Nice work on...
  10. S

    Extension two english to do or not to do?

    Well. If you're really quite confident with Design and Technology, and you don't want three major works, and you want ten units, I wouldn't drop Design and Technology to do English Extension Two. How good are you at English Advanced and English Extension? Do you think you will be able to...
  11. S

    Atar estimate please!

    Destroy your trials and the actual HSC and you can get 90. But you'll have to get your ranks up quite a bit...esp. with General Maths and Advanced'd probably want to be aiming top 50 for Advanced.
  12. S

    Another one bites the dust...(ATAR GUESS)

    English Extension 1 and 2 scale pretty well...! Maybe not Legal and Bio so much. Keep up your ranks and i think you can get 90.
  13. S

    limitations to the short story?

    I agree - our teacher has never said that our work must have a link to both our English Extension and English Advanced subjects - mine links only to my extension, and I'm pretty sure you only have to link it to one...
  14. S

    ATAR Guesstimate please =)

    It doesn't make lots of difference. It's just for the people on this forum to know how good your cohort probably are, to give your ranks a frame of reference. Your school rank could go up again this year, based upon how well your individual year go in the HSC. So it doesn't matter that they...
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    you could take the title from one of the lines of the poem...maybe a line that you particularly like or that particularly embodies the ideas in your major work?
  16. S

    You guessed it...another ATAR estimate!

    If you get your English up a little and your maths units up into the top ten, I think you could be confident with 95+. You're going well, just need to improve a little bit with your first three listed subjects.
  17. S

    Timetable for MW

    At our school it was...(for short story). First term --> Concept, and initial research. Second term --> More research, more development, beginning of a draft. They wanted us to have 1000 words finished by the end of the second term. Holidays between second and third term --> Our teacher wanted...
  18. S

    Assessment task 3: The draft

    We have to hand in our draft and rs "as is." I think they expect most people to be done. Ours is only a few weeks before the actual external hand in.
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    Class or mentor?

    Our school has about 30 kids doing it, and we have a 30 minute one-on-one meeting with the teacher (there are two mentors and one is assigned to us) each fortnight. They just discuss how we are going and where we will go, and read drafts. But the comments are never really indepth. Kinda weird.
  20. S

    ATAR Estimate.?

    Okay. Thanks heaps guys. I'll try and improve those two...