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  1. M

    The Woolworths Thread

    On my payslip it says 'Team Manager', COOL!!!
  2. M

    The Woolworths Thread

    I know at least it is all across the ACT, same is happening in my store. New facing requirements, from this week or next week we have in place a 100% rule for filling, only fill the box if it will all go on. With some exceptions of course. Entire stockroom gets run each day from 2pm. Capping...
  3. M

    The Woolworths Thread

    Cool! $2300 in tax for 6 months this year! Crap, I work far too much!
  4. M

    The Woolworths Thread

    From EBA: "Not withstanding the Fair Work Act 2009, employees will be entitled to 2 single shift absences per year without having to produce proof of illness, except if the absence is before or after a public holiday. On all other occasions of absence the employee will prove to the...
  5. M

    ANU Accommodation

    From "When should I start to look for off campus housing? Make sure you arrive in Canberra at least three weeks prior to your intended date of occupancy. Don’t expect to find something on the first day you start looking, give yourself enough time and...
  6. M

    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    Yeah, I got my Accommodation offer very quick (early yesterday) to B&G, paid the $1191 acceptance fee online. You can pay via a bank draft/money order but you have to fax a copy of it to the residence within the 48 hour time frame. Well this is for B&G, not sure about the rest. Good luck to...
  7. M

    Student Number

    Hey everyone, just a quick question. Does anyone know when we are given our student number and are able to enrol in courses for the semester? Thanks
  8. M

    ANU/Canberra 2011 Rollcall

    BSc (Math and Stats) and I got an offer for B&G.
  9. M

    NRSL transfer to ANU

    I got in to ANU! Hope you did too.
  10. M

    Post your 2011 University Offers here

    Got my transfer! Bachelor of Science - full or part time at The Australian National University
  11. M

    Urgent Transfer Question

    Yes, I believe it is up to date. The table uses the 7-point GPA system used by many Australian Universities, and yes, if you have completed 1.0-2.99 FTE with a GPA of 4.5/7 your GPA is equivalent to a UAI of 86, but an ATAR of 87.15.
  12. M

    Urgent Transfer Question

    It works fine for me. But anyway, I will attach it here. Forgot I could do that.
  13. M

    Urgent Transfer Question

    This was posted a while ago but because of the changes, is not availiable in that thread so I uploaded it for everyone. This is in terms of UAI so convert UAI to ATAR using the next link.
  14. M

    Transferring courses, and then universities...?

    Before BOS went down I am sure that I read many people's posts saying that the NRSL cut-off is usually lower than for RSL. Unfortunately I can't link to particular posts.
  15. M

    NRSL transfer to ANU

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone can give me a rough idea whether I will get into ANU next year. I started BSc at Monash this year and because of breadth and compulsory science sequences I only got a GPA of 4.75, but I got an ENTER of 93.75. I love math and statistics but had to do...