As I progressed, I seemed to find more and more options and so I have absolutely no idea!
Contact hours - 1 subject = 3 hrs lectures, 1-2 hr tutorial. Avg 4 hrs per psychology course. Hence around 16-20.
Science stream.
It isn't difficult, but you do have to work at it...
Hi Romanticstudent,
This question is right up my alley. :) I'm a current B Psych student who has done TSP units in first and second year. And if I am correct, I was one of the students that was involved in the 3D project last year that falseenthusiasm mentioned. Falseenthusiasm is absolutely...
FCKTHISSHT. PSYC2014 essay did so bad and main criticism was that I was too 'philosophical'. WHAT. You're asking to be empirical with an ESSAY which asks me to compare two THEORIES!?!?!?!?
Ease: 9/10
Although there is even more content than the PSYC1001 + PSYC1002 courses, the concepts were much easier to grasp if you have background in biology. BEWARE you have to do another APA report - it's all self-directed this time, so many people had no idea what exactly they had...
That's exactly right, I can't seem to have the option to choose an optional major. There's just a 'compulsory major' option, which scrolls down to the compulsory major and when I press continue, it directs me to Unit of Study home page :(
The new system is hard to understand - trying to add another major, but all I get is an option that only allows picking of one compulsory major. How do I add another? :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:
Why not then just increase taxes of those already IN a well paying job? I don't think there is a need to deregulate fees of students just because they have potential to earn much more in the future (and of course not all will).
Why does research nees to be governed by the private sector? I...
Why would poor students pay no fees? Most of the current scholarships/assistance do not cover the current fees. Increasing the fees doesn't help either...
Also what's with the research cuts across fields and some random school chaplain system?
FULL Deregulated = ANY price. American system incoming.
I mean look at the protests in ALL the states today - I don't think it's just USYD peeps. Everyone is unsatisfied - except really rich people, obviously.
I personally do not agree with the deregulation of university fees - that does provide SOME justification to their reaction, however their actions could of course be more civilized. But the budget overall is ridiculous and I can understand why they were protesting. On a positive note, this has...
Hey fellow USYD peeps,
Got a few questions.
1) Do majors get written on the transcript? I.e., for science for example, there are prereq units to be done in 1st/2nd/3rd year which would then allow you to be qualified for that major. Do you get 2 majors written on the transcript if you have done...