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    where to download maple for free?

    lol i dont need to get legally...
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    where to download maple for free?

    title basically says it. im doing MATH1141 this sem, and i just checked my moodle and saw that there was a maple component. It said it was available to use on the computers throughout uni, however if I had wanted my own copy for my own laptop that I would need to buy it. Also, can anyone...
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    quick question

    im not sure if this has been asked yet or not, but when we recieveour uac offers on wednesday and if we accept straight away, does that mean we can begin to enrol and create our timetables and etc.?
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    Cssa pdhpe 2012

    does anybody have a copy of the exam paper which they'll be able to upload?
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    how long should a creative be?

    just wondering about how many words the creative should be? cause I've been aiming for about 1000 words for the essays.
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    how to be successful at uni?

    just wondering, im in year 12 now. also, is there any way we could get ahead for uni? i mean after we decide what we'll study, is there any way of preparing before uni beings in march??
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    Too late to get a tutor??

    yeh they have bonus points for chem, 3u maths, and 4u maths for getting band 5 and 6, but at out school every year 100% of the people get bands 5 and 6 in those subjects - so i should have no probs with that!
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    Too late to get a tutor??

    biomedical engineering at unsw
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    Too late to get a tutor??

    hi just wanting some opinions from people. I have never had tutoring in my life before, and was wondering if there would be any point in going to one next term, seeing as though there are only trials and the actual hsc left. I was thinking of getting one for 4u maths. my current subjects/...
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    hey :) yes i heard about no longer needing stat for pharm, but i've already took stat at the...

    hey :) yes i heard about no longer needing stat for pharm, but i've already took stat at the beginning of this year ( in January) would I still be able to get a refund? and if so, who should I be contacting? uac, acer?
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    intuition tutoring review?? i was looking on their site, and found some trial prep courses running in the holidays. their prices seem to be quite cheap in comparission to other places (ie matrix) , so i was wondering how the quality of their teachers/ notes were?
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    biomedical engineering/ co-op scholarship @UNSW

    anyone involved in the above programs? share thoughts + experiences pls :) im thinking, either - masters of biomedical engineering, with a bachelor in bioinformatics OR - co-op scholarship, probably in photovoltaics and renewable energy engineering right now, im leaning towards biomedical...
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    How do we get our uac number?

    just wondering .... im assuming its different from the one we got from bos about 2 weeks ago?
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    so... whats the period after trials like?

    just wondering if its all chill, stress or what? our school just had half-yearlies at the end of last term, and our next big block of assessments are going to be our trial hsc weeks 2 and 3 of term 3.
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    Average atar for selective schools?

    okay so i go to a fully selective high school (ranked in top 15) and im doing average in all my subjects there, so i was just wondering what would be the average atar for selective schools? so i know what i should expect, cause selective schools often set harder assessments and if i put these...
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    pharmacy @ usyd , opinions ... etc

    i've already done stat and got the score i needed :) just wondering what it was like and anything else future students should be aware of ?
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    post hsc travel

    ok so im planning to travel after my hsc, and just wondering when the best times would be. Do i need to be in Aus, for getting hsc & atar results, or for uni offers? Cause im planning to leave a few days after my last hsc exam, and return a week or 2 before o- week. so i have a few options in...
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    Need Assistance But Finding It Too Expensive?

    where abouts are you located?
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    3 Day HSC Chemistry Summer Workshop - 1st in State, $20/hr

    how much is it for the 3 days? and whereabouts is this held?