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  1. Z

    Ext history notes

    That would be great, thanks very much :)
  2. Z

    Ext history notes

    Is there any chance that you can add this file to the thread?
  3. Z

    Any ideas on how to derive topic areas out of a chosen personality?

    Yes thanks alot, your info was really helpful. Gandhi had some debates yet no major critics of his works. And after all, the topic interested me at first yet I need something that will really keep me going. I am really looking for a personality that has strong ties with historical events that...
  4. Z

    Any ideas on how to derive topic areas out of a chosen personality?

    Initially, I was trying to investigate "The Effect of Disease on European Expansion" yet was not intrigued at all. (open to anybody if interested) Wondering if anybody has had any experience with information on a chosen personality (Gandhi) and a possible topic area that could accompany that...