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  1. O

    Public school system and HSC

    Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations :)
  2. O

    Question about 4u english and ATAR

    Hey Guys, I do 4u english, and in total I do the minimum 10 units... I was playing around on the ATAR calculators the other day and noticed that if I got a low mark, say 20 (although I know I won't) in Ext 2, it hardly affects my ATAR. Is this because it's only 1 unit or?
  3. O

    Public school system and HSC

    Sweet, yeah, i'm aiming to be in the top 3 of each subject at least - at the moment i'm ranked 1st in all except extension 2 english. Ah, maybe law is a bit unrealistic? I don't know...
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    Public school system and HSC

    Hi Guys! Hope you're all enjoying your holidays and relaxing a bit. Anyway, i've been concerned about this for quite a while, but, I attend a public high school on the Central Coast - this year our highest ATAR result was 97.4 and we had 10 people achieve above 90+ ATARS. We were ranked 2nd...
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    Aims for the holidays

    AdvEnglish - Complete assessment task due first week back, read Cloudstreet and W;t Maths - Revision booklet Biology - Finish dot point summaries PDHPE - Revise Core 1 & complete core 2 'starter' booklet Ext 1 Eng - Read Northanger Abbey Ext 2 Eng - Analyse texts and get a good chunk finished!
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    Year 12 Subject Choices - Help!?

    Hey BOS'ers. As i'm currently studying for my prelim exams, i've been thinking about my subjects for next years HSC I currently study; Adv English Extension 1 English Bio Chem PDHPE General Maths Retail because i'm getting my Certificate II in retail early, i can drop it for my...