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  1. W

    how can I write Prog C working from home?

    the lecturer said that we have to download some software to remote access UNSW's computer, but not sure what's it. :( can anyone help me?
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    Your first day at uni

    First day was on Mon. I overslept and skipped my first half an hour lecture:P What a good start !
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    where can I find the lecture notes of COMP1911?

    cant find it on BlackBoard. where can I find them?
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    selling textbook MGMT1001 and study kits (compulsory on doing your classwork)

    selling textbook MGMT1001 and study kits from last semester. (This is the latest version) compulsory on doing your classwork and tutorial hw which is 10% marks on your whole course price: $60+$10 please left me a message
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    UNSW medicine interview

    Re: Unsw med 2012 welcome to the hell :D
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    [MGMT1001] Case study questions

    So I guess the question will be asking about conflict with Jenkins and LaRoue, any idea?
  7. W

    [MGMT1001] Case study questions

    does anyone have any ideas/guess on what will be the essay questions look like in exam? Let's share the views.