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  1. L

    2013 CSSA Physics Trial

    In the last minute while trying to do 12 i realised that force was written in mN on the y axis....... still didn't get it :(
  2. L

    Textbooks, which one are you using?

    At school we use the Dixon book but use the Riley workbook ...... i also use the Riley eco book mainly for topic one :)
  3. L

    The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD

    Re: [The Mathematics CORNY Pick Up Lines THREAD] Hey girl you're looking 1/cos(c) today ;)
  4. L

    Electrical Energy In The Home

    1) a)Current is constant in a series circuit whereby the current is split in parallel. In series the voltage is split between components and in parallel the voltage remains constant. Eg. Lighting uses parallel so that in case one goes out, the rest of the house remain on . b) We have moved on...
  5. L

    Writing Notes Vs Downloading Notes

    make notes wayyy before the exam time--- studying for exams are best done using past papers not memorising notes :D:D
  6. L

    Doing eco/legal without having done commerce in previous years?

    not that hard- that being said eco is a real time consuming subject-be prepared
  7. L

    Prelim half yearlys are coming up, so what is you class up 2?

    English-Critical essay on King Lear Chem-Molar theory & metals Physics - 3/4 electricity in the home Business-Just finished Human resources Eco-Last chapter on Labour markets Maths- Just finished trig-chapter 7 in fitzpatrick :)
  8. L

    Business Studies Stimulus material

    For ours we researched a SME and answered one of two questions offered to us :P
  9. L

    Predictions on school certificate results?!

    Maths band 6 Science band 6 History band 4/5 Geo band 4/5/6 English band 5 fingers crossed !!!! :D:D:D:D
  10. L

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    easy.... finished with 20 mins left. favourite question was factorise 9x-15 :P