I want to become a doctor for both personal and financial reasons (my family is pretty much in poverty). My mum was a doctor back in China but after coming here she lost her job due to poor english etc, but she always told me about how great it was to be able to save lives, be respected during...
Hi I'm in year 11 right now and looking for tutors who are willing to travel to or live in the inner west line. I'm most concerned with physics and maths right now but chem would be a nice bonus! Let me know if you can tutor or recommend anyone. Thanks
I don't know if I should pick AH up cause I don't know if I'll like the context but so far eco looks boooring...people keep telling me its good tho WHAT DO
Oh wow uh.... I don't know for sure but I'm thinking of architecture, something to do with science or medical science... I've had fantasies about becoming a graphics designer for games BUT DON'T MIND THAT. I just want to do well in the hsc first.
Hi guys! So far my year 11 electives are 2u eng, 3u maths, chem, bio, physics and eco. Recently however, I've been wanting to switch into Ancient history. I don't really know the contents of the courses though and I'm scared I'll regret switching. Also I'm not really keen on dropping any of my...