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    Switching degrees

    For what it's worth unless you're really struggling, you might as well finish the course. You only need Credit WAM to transfer into compsci and if you do the phys past papers it's not that hard to get a credit.
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    Clubs that I can join!? :)

    Yeah there is a cricket club but it's pretty competitive, the uni games indoor cricket & outdoor cricket are much more causal though.
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    Laptop for Engineering @ UNSW?

    MacBook Air / Pro, light powerful and a breeze to write and compile code on.
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    Electrical Engineering vs Clinical Psychology?

    I've been so happy doing Electrical, it's such a good course in my opinion. Yeah it is challenging but if you like maths and science you're always learning something interesting. One other possible option would be to do the Bachelor Elec / Master Elec at UNSW where you do a minor and you could...
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    Help with pathway to BE Surveying @ UNSW (Warning - Long Post)

    I'm currently studying Electrical and Biomedical engo @ UNSW, and just recently moved from just plain Electrical to Electrical and Biomed. I think that it would be relatively easy to move from science to engo and you could probably use Science electives to take the courses required to progress...
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    Hoping to end up with a distinction, I think it'll come close. The exam was easier than I anticipated. Thoughts people?
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    ELEC1112 in the Summer

    Unless you are doing electrical engineering, I would advise trying to do ELEC1111. I have friends that did ELEC1112 and have said the exams in 1112 are much harder than 1111, and to be honest I'm doing ELEC1111 now and I still believe that is a challenging course.
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    How hard is it to achieve a WAM of 70 in Computer Science during the first semester?

    Re: How hard is it to achieve a WAM of 70 in Computer Science during the first semest If you're looking for a higher WAM, unless you excel in a subject you are probably better off doing the easier version of the subject. For example I would have done PHYS1121 if I was allowed. But yeah I agree...
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    Chemistry Tips from Band 6 Students?

    It's entirely up to you, but if you are doing well in all other aspects of chem. When it comes down to your final mark the actual experiments wouldn't make that much of a difference. So it's something to consider
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    Is it possible for me to get a 75+ ATAR with these ranks?

    With those ranks it is very likely you will be able to achieve 75.
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    What Alcohol Gives You the Worst Hangover

    Whichever one you drink the most of
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    Got that pass :) Now bring on PHYS1231 hahaha
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    Computer Science at usyd/uts?

    From my experience CSE at UNSW is great, I really enjoyed my COMP course and I'm keen to take more now
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    Mathematics Extension 2 EXPERIENCE!

    Yes, just do it... Especially if you want to do science/engineering at uni. Plus also the scaling of it is pretty good as well.
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    White students get better degrees?

    I think it's a bit much to say that whether or not you're smart because you went to James Ruse. But what do I know I'm a white guy that went to an average public school. In all seriousness I think making sweeping statements about races and how 'smart' you are is stupid. It's about...
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    UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2014

    Those past tests for 1131 calculus don't seem to be too bad, that said I don't want to be over confident. I'm a lot more worried for the algebra test in week 6 tbh
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    99 ATAR possible in a low-ranked school?

    It's technically possible, however it's unlikely. All you can do is your best! Good luck!
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    Post Your 2014 University Offers Here

    B Electrical Engineering UNSW
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    Girls & Guys: how much do you weigh?

    77kg and 182cm
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    UNSW 2014 Rollcall

    Re: UNSW 2013ers Rollcall B Electrical Eng :)