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    Meeting girls post hsc

    Haha that sounds kinda shallow man, any other suggestions?
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    Meeting girls post hsc

    Lol but I'm on holidays, I don't exactly have anything to study for..
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    Meeting girls post hsc

    So I went to an all boys high school and always really focused on study. I have come to realise that I never really talked to girls, I found it difficult because I went to an all boys school and my mates didn't know many girls so there wasn't much opportunity for introduction. Where's the best...
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    Balancing Uni and work life

    Woops! Haha this was supposed to be in the general uni discussion. Anyway, michael do you have a picture of a typical engineering timetable? just curious
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    Balancing Uni and work life

    Hi So I'm considering doing civil eng at UNSW next year. But then I saw how crazy the engineering timetables are, it seems you can only get a minimum of 4 out of 5 days in an eng timetable. I was wondering if it was possible to undertake and engineering degree and still have time for a part...
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    So how much work have you done in your holidays?

    Hey for English are u guys writing practice essays and stuff? I was just going to read my texts so I can start planning essays etc. whilst my class goes through the novel. Idk if I should start my belonging creative? Cos I'm really going to only do 2 hr study everyday during January (except...
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    Math Past Paper help

    I'm doing a James Ruse paper and I'm stuck on a couple of the questions Q1: I cant find a relationship between the terms, its not a GP or an AP Q2: I have no idea what that is, but I'm sure its not 2 unit (correct me if I'm wrong) Q3: Need help with third part Q4: How can dy/dt be a max or...
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    Q10 Help

    oh i see... could you also help with part b)... For decreasing (-4a^2 . cos2θ) / (sin2θ)^2 < 0 -4a^2 . cos2θ < 0 cos2θ > 0 therefore θ > pi/4 ??? ( since 0 < θ < pi/2) Is that right?
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    Q10 Help

    yeah could you show me your working out, my BO's and AO's don't cancel out
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    Q10 Help

    could you show me exactly how to use the trig ratios, I've tried everything!
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    Q10 Help

    the first two
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    Q10 Help

    Im struggling with the above question, any help is appreciated.
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    Q10 help

    Im struggling with the above question, any help is appreciated.
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    2012 CSSA Maths 2U

    What did u guys get for the find the values of a,b and c. It was in an equation where instead of an equal sign their was a congruency sign
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    2002 HSC Probability

    I suck at probability and the only way i solve questions is through the use of tree diagrams.. Im stuck on this question, can anyone provide ways in which i should approach this questions or any questions on probability in general for that matter?
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    Hi, what school do you go to?

    Hi, what school do you go to?
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    Your past paper results?

    Wow... I thought it was somewhere near 90% to get a band 6. So if my raw hsc mark was 85 (103/120), what would it scale up to? 90's, mid 90's ?
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    Your past paper results?

    So I've been doing past papers and today I did the 2001 paper. I scored 103/120 and I was wondering if I had got a mark similar to that in the HSC, would it be a band 6? And how would it affect my atar? Also how has everyone else been scoring in past papers?
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    Sketching gradient/primitive functions

    So I'm having trouble sketching gradient/primitive functions of different curves. Are there a set of rules I can follow in order to sketch different derivatives/primitives. The only one I really know is that when there is an x-intercept, the gradient function converts that intercept into a...
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    2000 HSC Exam (Snow Plough Question)

    Dam hopefully a question like that doesnt come up in this years hsc