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  1. B

    case studies???

    If people could choose their own case studies what would they be?
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    Doing the sums - does a private education add up?

    This is true Lentern. Cultural acceptance is more about the area/suburb/region you live in rather than the school you go to.... and even more your parents attitudes to diversity. I've learnt that since I moved to Redneck Wonderland (rural NSW).
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    HSC art artists...who are the best?

    I agree with pet_pet. The main thing is that you actually LIKE the artists who you choose. If you deeply understand them because their work resonates with you then you won't have any trouble remembering information about them. They need to become your "friends". Have a mix of contemporary...
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    Doing the sums - does a private education add up?

    That's actually incorrect Sylvester. Our family has moved from Inner Melbourne to rural NSW. The private school in Melbourne was very culturally diverse. The public high school in rural NSW is much more Anglo. Sweeping generalisation. What I keep wondering: if people really want the public...
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    second year moving to mary white

    I live at Mary White and those issues you mentioned shouldn't be problems if you can get in! it's pretty good here... nice and close to lectures! ETA: oh and I've just joined this forum... but I'm not sure if I'll hang around... some long term members are really rude to newbies :(
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    Doing the sums - does a private education add up?

    Some families choose to send their kids to Independent schools so that they develop religious tolerance through understanding. Many government schools lack any kind of information sharing on any faith... so the kids grow up suspicious of religion. Whether any faith is "right" or "wrong" is...