When I do really well I ask people what they got and if they did really bad I pretend to be sympathetic: "Oh...Hey just try hard and you'll do better next time".
But inside I really don't give a * I'm happy that I beat them.
It's not a really good habit but hey I'm trying (Y)
Not really a good idea to talk about YOUR hobbies, especially since you're the one interested in HER. Make her talk about herself and when she passes a hobby that perhaps you guys have in common latch onto it and talk about that.
If someone came up to me to say hi and then started telling me...
I'm going to rape 2 unit up the ass after what it did to me.
Physics though.. that stuff is driving me crazy.
And don't even get me started on English. What the heck Geoffrey Robertson.
Re: Girls: What would you do if a guy randomly said that he likes you out of the blue
lmao ikr. I'm surprised this thread is still going on =.='
Edit: aaand I just brought it back up again LOL
Re: Girls: What would you do if a guy randomly said that he likes you out of the blue
AHAHAHA haven't laughed so hard from a joke related to sex in a while