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  1. J

    Prelim year 11 hsc notes/essays adv eng,business, modern history, biology

    Still have these if anyone is interested! Havent been sold to anyone, not sure if syllabus has been changed since as well...
  2. J

    Band 6 cut-off?

    his uncle would be so disappointed
  3. J

    General thoughts

    everything i knew about: findings of sutton, boveri and mendel on chromosomes and structure reproductive technologies, eg trangenic, cloning, hybridsation and how these arent possible without these findings and then linked this to evolution
  4. J

    Band 6 cut-off?

    yes 90 is the moderated mark for band 6. Clearly this forum is about raw marks, so just sh.
  5. J

    General thoughts

    yeah i did concentration too!
  6. J

    Section II

    it just had to "involve" two characters the rest was up to you
  7. J

    Section I

    were we meant to just speak about the construction of characters, or could we include conventions/shifting of values over time as well?
  8. J

    Official: 2013 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    im taking as so many risks and only studying what i predict :S ill come back after the exam and cry if i need to..
  9. J

    Official: 2013 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    apparently not! last year it was Hitler's rise and Foreign policy :spzz:
  10. J

    Official: 2013 Modern History HSC Exam predictions thread

    Im praying for something on Weimar AND for conflict im hoping causes SOMEONE GIVE ME ASSURANCE :hug2:
  11. J

    Prelim year 11 hsc notes/essays adv eng,business, modern history, biology

    Hey selling all my prelim notes and essays! Cheap prices for TOP MARKS - BUSINESS - ranked 2/109 MODERN HISTORY 3/40 BIOLOGY 8/89 ADVANCED ENGLISH 2/152 MESSAGE ME FOR DETAILS OR REPLY TO THIS POST :D