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  1. I

    ATAR Estimate for TPC Student

    Gee guys, thanks for all your help :P For anyone wondering the same thing, with a TES of 241/300 I got into Law at Griffith which had an ATAR of 81.95 so I got the equivalent of at least that.
  2. I


    Um, I went to TAFE to get my Year 12 equivalent because I got bullied at high school? And couldn't handle the stress of going to a public high school, and couldn't afford a private education? Now I have my Year 12, already accepted into one university in an early offer round and waiting to hear...
  3. I

    ATAR Estimate for TPC Student

    I finished my Tertiary Preparation Certificate this year and received a TES (Tertiary Entrance Score) of 241/300. I was just wondering what the roughly equivalent ATAR would be for my mark, as I haven't had any luck searching on Google. Please help me out, it's really stressful not knowing if...