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    Cafs or modern history subject selection? Help!!

    So I have five subjects and I am wondering whether CAFS might be the way to go. My subjects are: Ancient History Legal Studies Adv English 2U Maths Biology What do you guys think??
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    Modern history vs society and culture?

    Hey everyone, So I'm about to choose my subjects for year 11 & 12 and the last subject is down to modern or society and Im honestly stuck. Please help!!
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    Visual Arts

    Hey everyone! I just need some ideas on this mixed media collage I'm doing on Ned Kelly. I don't know how to start it, as in I have to make him using magazines, newspaper, fabric, crayon, texta etc. Can I get some ideas as soon as possible! Thanks.
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    Pdhpe assignment!

    I have a PDHPE assignment and it's asking for a specific example of a healthy food and where that specific food fits in the 5 food group categories. Thankyou so much everyone!
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    Food Technology Assignment!!

    My assignment is about Lebanon, but it isn't telling me much about the countryside when I really need it to. It is telling me about trail tracks which are in America! Please don't tell me to pick another country because I don't wnat to and all the other questions suit Lebanon most. So please...
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    Renaissance in Venice Hey everyone, I have chosen to do Venice during the Renaissance, but I can't seem to find out much information about why it was important during the renaissance. So please HELLP!! This urgent!!! Thankyou :)
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    Can anyone describe to me what the renaissance period is? I know what it briefly means, but I need it more detailed. Thanks for the help!!! :cool:
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    Geography homework HELP!

    Thank you so much! All your points were perfect!!! Thanks lottts!!!!!!!!!
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    Geography homework HELP!

    Hey guys and girls! I was wondering if anyone can tell me 6 benefits of the sydney olympics in 2000? For example.. transport, recreation etc etc!! Thankyou!!
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    I have a geography terminology test coming up. However, my teacher hasn't provided us much words to memorise (two words). The topic is threatened habitats and I was hoping if any one could help me out? Thanks a bunch :)
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    My Excursion on Tuesday! HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    Exactly what I don't have.. That has been my problem, I threw my jeans out and now I only have one pair but I've already worn it to school :( Should I still just wear it?
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    My Excursion on Tuesday! HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    Jason: Hey mate, you either reply or you don't. So don't go asking these "Are you serious?" questions, I really don't need it. So mind your own business! And grow up!
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    My Excursion on Tuesday! HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a geography excursion on Tuesday and I need something to wear. I can't go shopping. I know what I'm going to wear for my top but not for my bottom. I want to wear jeans!!! I can't shop onlinee either, please help me figure out a way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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    I need year 8 science notes please!!

    No, just the circulatory system and Great Toolmakers (bronze,iron etc). Would it be possible to get notes ? I'd really appreciate it :)
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    I need year 8 science notes please!!

    Hi everyone, My half-yearly's are coming up and I really suck at Science. I know with some work I will be better, but this girl in my class is so smart and she makes everyone else feel bad! Including me:evilfire: I want to get dux and beat her, and I want to atleast get first in one of the...