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  1. J

    Letters to Alice urgent help!!!

    In letter 7 of Letters to Alice (Fay Weldon), how does discussing Jane Austen's "Emma" demonstrate the relevance of Austen's writing? Hint: consider empathy I really do not understand what this means and the only thing I can think of is that reading helps somebody to understand others...
  2. J

    advice about speech and being scared?

    1 - Practice heaps 2 - Pace yourself when speaking 3 - Look up from your cards, but do not actually make direct eye contact with anybody, except maybe the teacher marking you. This will make the teacher think you are engaging with the audience well, but you won't actually need to look at anybody...
  3. J

    Please help me find a technique for this quote!!

    If I were to do a similar thing with Orlando that I am doing with Rosalind (showing progression of not belonging - belonging), would anyone know which scenes I could look at to show that?
  4. J

    Please help me find a technique for this quote!!

    Thankyou so much :D
  5. J

    Please help me find a technique for this quote!!

    This quote was chosen for an assessment task (oral essay) and I am trying to show how Rosalind has changed from the beginning of the play. When I looked at the rest of the scene I think her words were used as a contrast to Orlando who was still showing signs of infatuation towards her Thanks :)
  6. J

    Please help me find a technique for this quote!!

    “Men have died from time to time- and worms have eaten them-but not for love” (Act 4, scene 1) This is a quote from Shakespeare's "As You Like It" by Rosalind, and I can not find a technique
  7. J

    What is ANCOR?

    In legal studies we handed up an assessment about contemporary issues and the one I chose was sexting. When we got it back my teacher had written comments everywhere and she kept saying to refer to ANCOR, for example one of my sentences was: "The law is highly ineffective regarding this issue...
  8. J

    How do you know when you've fallen in love?

    You know you are in love when EVERY part of your being longs to be with that person CONSTANTLY. You also THINK about them constantly and cannot go MINUTES without speaking to them. You sound like a POET when you are describing them to your friends because they are just that AMAZING! As Dr Seuss...
  9. J

    How much should i be studying?

    I'm in year 11 and I study maybe half an hour a week. In year 10 I don't even think I knew what studying was..
  10. J

    How do you write faster?

    Write in cursive, practice writing for at least an hour each day, use a good pen
  11. J

    Validity and reliability explaination,_validity,_reliability.html This website gives the syllabus definition
  12. J

    Some Help in Bio Question

    For a, you would say that there is a lack in variation so any disease that affects one of them will affect them all. If there was a greater variation, some of them would have been resistant to the disease so some of them would not be affected by it, ensuring the survival of the species. For b...
  13. J

    HELP - Preliminary Evoluation of Australia's Biota Research

    With the fossils: they are all extinct platypuses who's fossils have contributed to the understanding about the evolution of the current extant platypus through their size and also their teeth. The teeth show how the food sources changed due to the changing climate, and so they had to evolve...
  14. J

    Gothic horror related text

    In the beginning Damon and Stefan hate each other but in the middle of Season 1 (maybe episode 16/17) Damon rescues Stefan when he is being attacked by those vampires (the ones who were brought out of the tomb when Damon tried to get Katherine back). Also, Damon does bad things but in Season 1...
  15. J

    Legal Studies Useful Books & Websites List

    Wow that is an extensive list!
  16. J

    Movies where you cry

    A Walk to Remember..
  17. J

    Extra paper in exams????

    You are allowed to ask for as much paper as you want, and if you some for scrap writing I think you can just not put your student number on it and put an X there and they will disregard it :)
  18. J

    Quick Creative Writing Question

    A human is probably best because if you read comments from past HSC markers (which you can find online) they tend to not like animals or anything that's superhuman/sci-fi :)
  19. J

    What is locus?????

    I have my yearly exam tomorrow and I feel like I know nothing about any of the topics, and I keep coming across LOCUS. What is it and what does it do and what am I supposed to do with it????????