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    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    feels of being inferior to you :(
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    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    got 83 for 2 essays.. vs my m8 that got 86 and 87.. I really wanna see their writing style..... Also, there has to be something up with marking consistencies, another m8 wrote an essay in 24 hours and got 90. (I haven't gotten this essay back yet but her tutor is known for being an easy marker...
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    Does USYD grade on a curve?

    law does. Arts doesn't
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    Union Board Elections

    I'm too cynical and jaded to vote for anyone. I'll vote for the person who is running and actually bothers to talk to people. Someone like Kyol. I would also vote for whoever could actually deliver on the manure that they shove down our throats when they speak to us. Does anyone reckon that...
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    the 2 aussies getting execuated in Indonesia

    But you missed my point. I was suggesting that instead of the death penalty, you would get life sentence. There is no parole and there is no chance of getting out. Effectively, even if you were rehabilitated you would not be able to contribute to society which is the case of most crimes that...
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    the 2 aussies getting execuated in Indonesia

    I believe in terms of legal pursuit and appeal, yes it is more costly. However, I wouldn't contest it personally.
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    the 2 aussies getting execuated in Indonesia

    I would put the argument to you that is it worth keeping a person alive with no parole and life imprisonment for 40k a year when that money could be better spent elsewhere? Just food for thought. If I was sentenced to life in prison, and it cost that much for them to keep me alive. I would...
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    the 2 aussies getting execuated in Indonesia

    The key questions for the people of Indonesia is whether or Joko has the will to assert Indonesia's authority within the world. This was only worsened by the Australian government's attempt to threaten and coerce Indonesia to release them. Thank god both our nations don't have WMDs. Two...
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    the 2 aussies getting execuated in Indonesia

    I'm gonna give my 2 cents but to be quite frank I'm concern that this will either create a shitstorm or I'll get back lash for it. Ignoring all political concerns of President Joko Widodo, without understanding the historical pretenses of these countries one cannot judge a countries actions...
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    The ANZAC Legend and it's place in Australian Society

    Re: Confessions Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln
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    Laptop for Rhinoz8142

    Thinkpad + Msata.
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    How similar are sample quizzes from the real quiz?

    In arts it really depends on what major you have. Generally if there isn't a lecturer change or even in circumstances where lecturers sudden change, the course structure would stay the same and thus the exams and essay requirements stay the same. The obvious difference would be in the actual...
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    Next Major Meat, Plans?

    might be in da city.
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    Next Major Meat, Plans?

    yes sir. @passionxmusic wanted to come too.
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    Next Major Meat, Plans?

    Next Friday? Are you game for dinner Amleops and Suede? Open invite!! Maybe in the city if you guys are free? @Trebla @carrotsticks
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    Recommend me a Camera.

    I don't think that's wise at all. He should probably get a DX camera and get a good lens. As they say, camera bodies are outdated every 2 years, lenses last forever. No point in getting a FF and being stuck with a 50mm 1.8 for god knows how long. Plus, the user won't be able to experience other...
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    Recommend me a Camera.

    Sony RX-100 all versions are pretty good.
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    Recommend me a Camera.

    Just curious, with 1.5k what lens do you propose they get if they got a FF ?
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    Recommend me a Camera.

    What kinda experience do you have with manual and what not? Do you have a specific form factor you prefer? Do you want just JPG or do you want raw?