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    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Is my school the only one where we aren't actually allowed to pick up ext maths and ext english or greater together? Probably because of my school being ranked relatively low
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    What was the program you completed for the 7 bonus points?
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    New syllabus for 2015 hsc

    Hey My teacher told me that the there will be a new syllabus for the hsc course in 2015. Just wondering if someone could link me to it and if all of the courses have a new syllabus specifically physics and biology
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    Past preliminary papers

    Does anyone know of a book or a website where I can do some exam styled questions for Bio?
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    Change from 2u to 3u

    Hey new to this place i was just wondering whether the change from 2u unit math to 3u math is advisable between the transition of year 11 to year 12. I have been getting relatively high marks in 2u and only coming behind the top students in 3u. So basically is the transition worth it? Does 3u...