I'm starting uni in 2016 and hoping to internally transfer from BA&Bus to commerce/arts. I know that in the first year, for BA&Bus you'll need to do an arts major and minor + the 6 cores for business. However how does it work for commerce/arts? Do you also do the 6 core courses in the first year...
Hi I just received my HSC results and unfortunately they fall short of the cut off for B Comm/B Arts. I'm considering doing an internal transfer into the course but I'm unsure whether I should do B Arts and Business or BEc in the first year.
For BEc, I'm interested in Business law as a major...
I'm aiming for commerce/arts at UNSW and the cut-off for that was 96.3 last year.
Is it still possible to get in if I get an ATAR of around 89-90, then plus 5 bonus points? So around 94-95
How lenient is UNSW business regarding admission and what steps will I need to take if I just miss...
Hi guys I usually don't post on forums like this but I'm really worried about my final ATAR
I've just finished a few of my trails and don't think I did well at all. Throughout the year I'm been achieving below average to bottom ranks for my subjects with marks in the 70-80s and even 60s...
Hi guys I usually don't post on forums like this but I'm really worried about my final ATAR
I've just finished a few of my trails and don't think I did well at all. Throughout the year I'm been achieving below average to bottom ranks for my subjects with marks in the 70-80s and even 60s...