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    Counterstrike Global Offensive Thread

    Re: Counter Strike : Global Offensive unranked smurf
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    Combat Arms?

    idk how ive played this for 3 yrs but its a waste of time... hackers everywhere and if you do above average you get kicked :(
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    Clash of Clans!

    if theres alot of people then go ahead :)
  4. X unbelievable..

    try sites like humble bundle (bought bf4 for like 3$). they might have games you'd want to play for an extremely cheap price. money goes to charity too
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    nsw biology - pauline ross and carolyn Jeffrey

    oooft is that a state rank?
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    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Its a good game and all but after 100 hrs you'll find it a bit repetitive but thats my opinion anyway
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    Clash of Clans!

    is there any bos clan as of yet? ;o
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    Reference Letters from teachers

    how do you present your reference letter? Do you bring it with you on the interview or do you give it to them attached to the resume? total newb soz
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    Biopolymer - PHA assessment. Any notes?

    most chemistry notes you find in the resources section of the site have good notes on the stuff. its mostly biopol but there is the occasional PHA
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    Studies of religion 1 or 2

    SOR I! i practically used it as a free period after the 1st semester since i had prepared answers for everything
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    Bio help asap

    I did something similar for a powerpoint presentation on artificial blood but i lost it when my pc got reformatted... most of the info you need is found in the textbooks like Bio in Focus. the third point requires you to do a little bit of research but if youre lazy just go to wikipedia and most...
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    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    heroes of newerth (better than LoL) call of duty mw2 csgo starcraft & age of empires
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    nsw biology - pauline ross and carolyn Jeffrey

    Biology in focus and biology in context work best for me :) never tried nsw biology though so cant comment
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    WHat are some current limitations to donated blood?

    nice stuff blit :)