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  1. M

    Hiring English/Maths High School Tutor

    We're looking to hire new tutors for our 2022 teaching team! Located in Fairfield, 2165 If you're a high achiever and have a passion to teach, we encourage you to apply for one of our many positions we have open. Please visit our hiring page at: What you will do...
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    Helpful tips to make the Common Module easier

    my pleasure :) I'll be here to help so if anyone needs help understanding the new syllabus feel free to ask :)
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    Related Texts to the Crucible

    Re: The Crucible pick a text type that is different from The Crucible, so seeing as it's a play your open to pick poems, images/paintings, films, novels, etc. In terms of a solid text you could look at Animal Farm by George Orwell, this text links quite nicely since it has similar interactions...
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    Helpful tips to make the Common Module easier

    Hello! If you're starting the new common module this term I thought it might be nice to prepare something that may make your study of it easier. you can read about it here:
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    Something to help anyone studying the new Common Module this term

    Hiya, I'm often here answering questions about Year 12 and I ended up writing an article that may be helpful if you're starting the new Common Module this term for Year 12. you can check it out here:
  6. M

    Year 12 New Syllabus, 2018 Term 4 Tutoring - Stepping Stones Education

    Hi there, If you were looking for tutoring for Year 12 because of the changes to the English, Physics or Chemistry syllabus my tutoring centre might have information for you. We're located in the Western Sydney area and if you're interested you can read more here...
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    how will I do 4U now?

    I have a feeling the teacher is probably just annoyed slightly that you may be someone who had high potential but dropped because of poor work ethic or attitude. You most likely could still be able to enter 4U at the end of the day but definitely the teacher does want you to push yourself harder.
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    Related texts for People and Politics (King Henry IV)

    Animal Farm is great, it definitely has a similar character development to that of Hal and Hotspur.
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    english advanced kicking my ass

    You could always do Extension 2 English and have that count with your Extension 1 instead of Advanced :smile:. If I recall correctly, two english units have to count and there's nothing wrong with Ext 2 and Ext 1 counting instead of Adv English But yeah if you do want to improve your Advanced...
  10. M

    Need help preparing for next year Preliminary!

    no Syllabus changes for Maths, it's pretty much just English and the sciences you have to worry about.
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    Advice from past 3U Maths Students?

    1. For HSC I would say I studied as much for 3U as i did 4U as I wanted to guarantee I scored really high. Then again, the topics were easier to grasp since I treated it this way so when it came to revision I would see myself doing a 3U past paper as the easier part of my study and doing a 4U...
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    Need help preparing for next year Preliminary!

    I'll give you a tangible short term plan that you can follow Up to the 23rd or 24th or December, aim to do the following: 1. Continue studying your Math concepts from school and make the effort to redo topics you struggled in 2. Work on your creative writing skills for English if you can fit...
  13. M

    HELP ADVICE NEEDED: English advanced or English extension

    Do English Extension, it's worth it in my opinion.
  14. M

    English extension 2 question

    Also, it is compulsory that 2 units of English is added to your ATAR calculation so with Ext 2. being 1 unit and Ext 1. being another unit you could 'technically' not count your Advanced English marks and vice versa.
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    Subject Selection

    if you're good at music, keep that. I'd then decide between Physics and Economics. Both are pretty good in their own regards and with the new syllabus changes I heard Physics is really popular now. I personally did Economics and I'd say do it if you like essay writing and reading the...
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    Study methods?

    Everyone has summed up some pretty specific methods so I'll just give something new, One interesting method could be looking for a study partner/group to help with the routine of studying often. Whilst I didn't necessarily study with someone on a subject all the time, I often had some friends...
  17. M

    14 Units for the HSC?

    Wait, you accelerated maths but you're going to do General Maths for your HSC? Am I assuming you accelerated 2U maths and did the HSC recently? If that's the case... I'd probably just drop the General Maths and focus on everything else.
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    year 11 help (textbooks + binders or?)

    I always carried the whole stack with me, you could bring a small binder to keep them safer but I find it starts to tear and wear even in the binder so I just take it in the original packaging.
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    Passed one test in 2 unit maths all year. Is it time to give up?????

    Probably consider dropping down to General maths if a lot of the 2U concepts are difficult to grasp. I personally always believe that you can make improvements over this upcoming 7 week holiday but you definitely need guidance to make the most of it.
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    Moving Schools

    I moved schools in Year 7 to a pretty good school, was probably the best decision my parents made for me. I had no idea I was changing schools and I was at first pretty annoyed that I had to 'restart' everything. Since your moving in Year 10 I'd definitely recommend focusing on your academics...