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  1. D

    Chemistry in Uni

    lol i just took chem 1 and chem 2 at UTS. was a baller. just passed that ish.
  2. D

    Is 14 units too much? 0-0

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    Chemistry in Uni

    What’s Chem like at Uni? Do you need to have prior knowledge from the hsc or can you walk into it? Edit: spelling
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    Double degree or degree + diploma?

    Might not be very helpful but I heard that diplomas mean a lot more for employers because it demonstrates that you have a valuable skill. So a diploma in languages with your chosen language reveals you have a valuable language skill in either Spanish or Japanese. I plan on taking mandarin...
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    Short Story Writing

    Honestly, the idea is not just basic, but very cliche. Writing a clitche story is the worst sin possible in English
  6. D

    Is 99.15 considered a good ATAR?

    Nope definitely send him to gulag for shaming your family
  7. D

    Post your 2018 university offers here

    Yeah! Heard UTS alumni are chill compared to others so that eases my anxiety :^)
  8. D

    Post your 2018 university offers here

    B Communication (Soc and Pol Sciences) @ UTS lmao idk
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    studying 10 hours a day is right or wrong

    Go for 9am to like 5pm with 10 minute breaks every 40 minutes. Go for a run in the morning and a walk in the afternoon then just chill out at night. Hot summer nights have already started.
  10. D

    UTS Chatter Thread

    Lol I would be if I don’t get more offers. Might even stay in one of their studios.
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    Post your 2017 ATAR below!

    80.55 geez I’m packing up for Melbourne anyway looks like Monash and Mel would take me in. UNSW and usyd would probably accept but I gotta go where the family goes considering how late I am for dorm applications. CONGRATS EVERYONE EVEN IF U DIDNT GET THE ATAR NEEDED WE FINALLY COMPLETED HIGH...
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    2017 ATAR Calculator Thread

    Hey guys how come Hscninja and matrix gave me 80,15 before and now it’s dropped drastically? I put in the same results as before... is it because they are receiving everyone’s marks now and changing my estimated ATAR according to that? If so, I’m stuffed. R.i.p.
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    2017 ATAR Calculator Thread

    I went to a really shit online school but ranked really good within the “””cohort”””” so idk what’s going to happen tomorrow. Man hsc was tough without teachers and peers to help.
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    2017 ATAR Calculator Thread

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    Estimate own atar

    I effed up general maths in the externals so not feeling good with that scaling. Around 75 at worst. Not good enough for the courses I wanna be in :(
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    Sexual Assault experiences at Uni

    Wow wait I know I might sound naive here to think that there wouldn’t be much, or even at all, any sexual assault but just to be clear, it’s just at parties right?
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    When are you deciding on which University?

    UNSW for sure. I knew since Year 8 that I wanted to go there. I live in Kensington and not only would it be convenient but I would be able to finally walk through the campus as a uni student rather than a little high school kid exploring the libraries and mistakenly being asked where certain...
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    To 2017 graduates

    After reading everyone else’s I feel like mine is underwhelming... B Arts/Science @ UNSW :D
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    For those who finished the 2017 HSC...

    Brushed up on my Turkish and planning on starting Mandarin in December BINGE ON SUDOKU eat Sleep till noon, a luxury I was rarely afforded even on weekends Apply for part time jobs, got an interview on monday pee a little with anxiety for the upcoming ATAR results
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    Bio exam thoughts

    Yeah but fungi can be multicellular too so C is more correct