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  1. H

    ATAR Estimate

    Thanks for all the estimates, I ended up getting 97.95 which I am very happy with. I didn't do as well in my science exams as I did in my trials but I still got a band 6 and made all-rounders!
  2. H

    Advanced Paper 2 [Modules] - Thoughts

    mod a: prince/julius caesar mod b: in the skin of a lion mod c: the crucible easy af lmao
  3. H

    What could I get if I didn't include anything on "its strengths, its weaknesses"?

    The question's discriminator is that last sentence. If you look at each of the module B essay questions the first sentence was essentially a truism so proving it was not very hard and will have been done by most of the state. Students who fail to address the last sentence will, as previously...
  4. H

    ATAR Estimate

    Thanks! If i were to get, say 80-85 in my HSC exams for all of my subjects (sans maths, probably >90), would I still be able to get over 85? I'm mostly just worried I will choke under HSC exam conditions
  5. H

    ATAR Estimate

    Thanks in advance, I'm just unsure about how I will do on the HSC exams as I am not too confident i can replicate my trial marks School Rank is 121 Subject Rank Assessment Mark(/100) Trial Mark(/100) English Advanced 13/118 82 84 Chemistry 1/44 86 87 Physics 1/45 92 90...