Re: HSC 2016 3U Marathon
whi youse have two b so meen two mee.
I asck won kwestion tat iz it
kan youse pliez anser it.
i giive youse halfwitts a hinty; my mathimethicalmolism teeacher told mee and mees frendz two youse an essaye tekniqqe
pliez just give moar then won lyin anser
Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon
I kanot understand nglish wary mutch so i was onedering how youse or i can get two zi funthementals off nglish thred pliez
zanking yous wary mutch
Re: HSC 2016 3U Marathon
okoi dokie mayte
whi do yous youse inspecktion when i kleerly askd yous to youse mathimatemicalmolism inducktion
youse halfwittt
do youse even understand nglish
Re: HSC 2016 3U Marathon
Can yous pliez anser this kweshtion yousing mathimatecal inducktion?
‘The journey, not the arrival, matters.’
Discuss this statement, focusing on how composers of texts represent the concept of the
In your answer, refer to your prescribed text, ONE text...
Re: HSC 2016 3U Marathon
oi i need help with dis
can we just use:
Acceleration = v * dv/dx?
or do we have to use:
2) dx/dt = blah
therefore dt/dx = blah1
therefore t = blah3
and then differentiate two times to find the acceleratoin?