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    High Schools results and admission to uni

    Hi blaytman, thanks for the info. I see from your profile that you are a teacher, can I direct message you somehow. I am a parent and had way too many questions, which obviously will require me to tell you many personal particulars too. May be a direct chat will help me. Thanks once again.
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    High Schools results and admission to uni

    Sorry to write a confusing statement. I meant massachusetts institute of technology, Australian National university and Ivy League. Thanks
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    High Schools results and admission to uni

    What percentage of students get selected/admitted to MIT or ANU or other Ivy league uni from James Ruse and North Sydney Boys high? Is there any website where I can see which high schools have send their students to which uni ?
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    How to prepare for yr8 selective school

    Hello all, some background first: my son starting year 7 in 2019 in local Sydney govt school and wants to try for year 8 selective school. Year 6 is completed in Singapore where at the end of year 6 a nation wide exam is held (much like HSC in NSW) and in this exam he had scored straight A*...
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thanks 30june2016, yes I think my child too wont like to change the school once he is settled there. I know this from the fact that here in SG we have a Gifted education program (an exam) in primary3. He got selected into that but refused to change the school after that. He said he is better off...
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thanks Pikachu975, totally agree with you that its generally tuition help because of which grades go up and competition increases. Same here in Singapore. Tutoring is such a big and profitable business here that I know many Harvard graduates leave their full time job to open their tuition...
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thanks once again PiAndQuadratics, its not that we want our child to enter only selective school, instead if any other non selective school has good teachers and had produced good results, we would be more than willing to go there. If any one of you is aware of singaporean education system then...
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thanks andrew12678, will keep that advise in my mind.
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thanks markkkkkkkkk for the insight.
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    Year 7 school selection

    Thank you!!! No problem with lengthy answers, in fact they give better understanding. I am tempted to ask one more question. As my son has missed the selective school exam (we were not aware of the same), what are his other options for an entry to a selective school? Thanks once again.
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    Year 7 school selection

    My child is studying year 6 in Singapore. I want my child to study year 7 on wards in Sydney. We are late for applying for selective exams, now I have 4 options with me - 1-Cherrybrook technology high school 2-carlingford high 3- chatswood high 4-Epping boys high Please provide your...