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    HSC Software Design and Development Exam Thoughts

    Not gonna lie, I found the section II of this exam to be one of the hardest. Section 3 was really easy.
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    Software, Design & Development

    Yeah the dude didnt study for it. yikes
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    Software, Design & Development

    our sdd internal trial was the independent paper 2019 the thing is,it's the first time our teacher gave us a proper exam. before that, we had never seen any independent trial paper because he would take the questions from the textbook for other internals. our 4u one wasnt very hard, it was...
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    Software, Design & Development

    Only 2 people from my sdd cohort, including me, do 4u. My SDD class had 13 people while 15 in 4u. Lowest mark in 4u: 77% (me) Highest: 92% avg: 80% Lowest mark in Sdd: 9% Highest: 65% avg: 34%
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    Software, Design & Development

    Hm i dont know because our cohort opted for Logic & Paradigm
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    Software, Design & Development

    I hope they tone down MC and Short answers because paradigms is a small topic! I don't think anyone in my class can get a band 6 as well because we did the independent trial paper and the highest mark was 60%.. average being 34%. Hopefully I can get a band 5 tho!
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    Software, Design & Development

    How's everyone's prep for it? Any predictions what they might chuck in?
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    Is it possible for an 96+?

    Nor did i, learnt my lesson too.
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    ATAR estimate?

    What I'd do is put your final report marks into ATAR calculator (HSC NINJA ATAR CALC) and see from there what your ATAR might be.
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    Is it possible for an 96+?

    Yes! If you completley ace your externals (HSC), you'll 100% get 96 or above. Good luck.
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    Too late to study again?

    So my trials just finished but i didn't do as well as i wanted, just decent However now I want to study again for 2 months (that means i want to cover every topic from the start) For eg. For maths: is it too late to do all the content from start to end (i already know them just wanna do it...
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    How was the exam? I honestly knew nothing from section III and the 5 marker algorithm to make that function in section II was a bit wack. I also didn't understand the registers hexadecimal quesiton. Epic
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    What happens if you get 100 in HSC?

    Okay so let's say internally you're ranked last for a subject, around idk? 40% in that subject but in the hsc you completely smash the exam and get 100. When they scale the exam or moderate the mark, does it remain 100 or does it drop down to something low?
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    2U - CSSA 2019 TRIAL

    was question 16 also the one where we had to find area of trapezium inside
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    2U - CSSA 2019 TRIAL

    What was q16 again?
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    2U - CSSA 2019 TRIAL

    How was it? Did anyone find it challenging? What questions did you find hard?
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    CSSA 2U & 4U

    The CSSA trial exams for 2U & 4U commence on 8th August - Who else is doing them? (I'm only doing 4U) Since it's difficult to get our hands on the CSSA papers, which trial exams should I practice for 4U? Also, what type of questions do you think they'll give? Any predictions?
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    Is it still possible to improve my internal ranks?

    Also, may I message you aftee I get my trial marks back and see what your thoughts are on those?
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    Is it still possible to improve my internal ranks?

    Perfect reply. Again, thanks for the response. This clears everything up for me and I plan on trying my best from now until HSC.
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    Is it still possible to improve my internal ranks?

    Thank you. I'll try my best!