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  1. A

    Do employers still accept resumes?

    Well I did list my availabilities to them, like max i could do in a week is 25 hours, but the issue here is I’m worried what if they binned the resume, I mean I did get into contact with another store and they told me it depends on how they want to hire. I am also aware that yes Officeworks is...
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    What are the odds my resume was binned?

    I may have asked similar before but asking elsehwhere is of no help, and others say despite the same person who took my resume, it is most likely “binned” because larger companies use online based applications although I am aware people have handed in resumes and it worked well for them. My...
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    Do employers still accept resumes?

    The issue is my local Officeworks seemingly doesnt advertise online, they ask that i leave a resume to them, but im afraid that they “binned” it although i’ve seen on glassdoor some people have handed in that, also im only looking to team member positions not anything that requires me to be...
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    I need help regarding if resumes are still accepted?

    Well Officeworks did tell me that they did already hire people, I think a month ago but they would be open to applications next month due to them needing Christmas casual team members so as mentioned before I was quick to hand the resume in. But as you said, it may not even matter at all, but...
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    I need help regarding if resumes are still accepted?

    Thank God someone who isnt passive agressive like those on Whirpool forums. I have checked the day after, and i was told that there arent any vacancies yet but if there are i should receive a notification regarding it. I’ve also managed to get information that they will look for hiring people...
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    I need help regarding if resumes are still accepted?

    I’m desperate for answers because i tried asking this in whirlpool forums for commenters to be passive aggressive to me, but i am a student who is about to graduate high school and I have already handed in a resume to Officeworks. What is the chance that they have the resume with them and...
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    Do employers still accept resumes?

    I’ve asked this question before in whirlpool forums, but i got alot of passive aggressive answers but my question is that would there be a chance that my resume that i handed to Officeworks has been “binned” because they aren’t hiring but will later on for christmas casuals. Also did i make the...