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  1. bluddybastrds


    If anybody has the 2021 version of the Riley textbook (with all the COVID stats) could you please pm me with a link to it or something. Thanks.
  2. bluddybastrds

    Chemistry & Biology HSC Trials NEW SYLLABUS

    Hi guys, with the HSC coming up, does anybody have past papers for new syllabus chem and bio.
  3. bluddybastrds

    Alternate Assesment task

    has anyone done logarithms and exponential finctions and calculus of exponential functions as their alternate task? if so do u have any resources
  4. bluddybastrds


    does anyone have their prelims for 3u math with their new syllabus? If you could share it would be so much help thanks :)
  5. bluddybastrds

    Chemistry DotPoints

    nah canvas has the biiiig 67 page thing. you know the little table that your teachers give at the start of each module? im looking for that
  6. bluddybastrds

    Chemistry DotPoints

    for bio aswell?
  7. bluddybastrds

    Chemistry DotPoints

    Where can i find the chemistry dotpoints for the new syllabus. not the 76 page thing but a brief outline of the syllabus type thing
  8. bluddybastrds


    thanks man figured it out :)
  9. bluddybastrds


    also why are the opening 4 Questions to Ex 2.11 in Fitzpatricks new syllabus book so hard. any help would be appreciated immensely
  10. bluddybastrds


    P,A,B,C are four points in order on a straight road that runs up a hillside and makes a constant angle of 10 degrees with the horizontal. A flagpole whose height is h meters stands at P. From A and B, the top of the flagpole has elevations of 30 degrees and 5 degrees respectively above the...
  11. bluddybastrds

    Past Papers Year 11 Extension 1 Half Yearly and Yearly

    Would anyone happen to have access to their past papers half yearly and yearly from their school. Our school deleted everything and yeaaaa. If you do could you please upload a link/ the files for them
  12. bluddybastrds

    HSC ADVANCED MATHS Random Variables

    WHy is tHiS SOOOO hard and how cani get better at it? It all looks impossible atm
  13. bluddybastrds

    2020-HSC chat

    How can i get better at stats in advanced maths (chapter 20 fitzpatrick).