Search results

  1. J

    should I go for business studies or economics as main for a subject combination in HSC?

    If you take accountability for your actions, anything is possible :) Being honest with yourself will earn you the freedom to be the man you've always wanted to be. <3
  2. J

    lmao help

    :cool: :cool: I don't have one, b!™©h :cool:🔥
  3. J

    lmao help

    Grr, those eco essays are the worst!! I know some good advice for that though so you NEVER stuff up any exam again. It was advice given to my by user "laterz laterz" and it changed my life, went from 14% in Eco to 100%!!!!!!11!!!!!1111 :)))))))))))))())))))
  4. J

    I really need a 99 atar

    I have a spare 99 ATAR, do you want it?
  5. J

    Doing Maths. Calcu-later, losers. :cool:

    Doing Maths. Calcu-later, losers. :cool: