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    I'm a third year UNSW student doing comm/law and the trimester system is killing me :(
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    Conflict in Europe Essay Plans

    A list of essay plans for topics I thought might show up in the 2020 HSC paper for the Conflict in Europe question. Got a HSC mark of 91 with these and 23/25 in an internal school assessment.
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    SOR 1 Full Course notes (post-1945, Islam, Christianity)

    Full notes covering entire SOR 1 course with Christianity and Islam as the Depth studies. The Christianity section only has essay plans. Got a HSC mark of 46/50 with these.
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    Mod C Discursive Assessment Task 30/35

    Contains a discursive piece and a reflection using Zadie Smith That Crafty Feeling as a mentor text and inspiration. Overall mark of 30/35: 17/20 for discursive 13/15 for reflection
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    Julio-Claudians Essay Plans

    Contains 5 essay plans: 4 of which are an assessment of each individual emperor using each syllabus dot point to form a judgement (e.g. relationship with Senate, building program, frontier policy etc.) 1 was for an assessment which I scored 23/25 in. Used these to get a HSC mark of 91
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    Pompeii Evidence Table

    Table of evidence, argument and content which can be used for each topic in conjunction with any prescribed sources on the exam. Used these to score a HSC mark of 91.
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    Cultural Revolution to Tiananmen Square 1966-89 notes

    A compilation of both myself and my classmates' notes covering every single syllabus dot point relating to Cultural Revolution to Tiananmen Square 1966-89. May be overly comprehensive and detailed in some areas. Got a HSC mark of 91 with these.