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    "If there is hope it lies in the Proles" What technique is this?

    This particular paradoxical chiasmus is really sad imo, it's a very defeated moment where the power of utilitarian and totalitarian government over individual action is truly captured. T___________T
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    Need Related 'Merchant Of Venice' Text

    Hey :) I think a poem would be a great related text because they're so much easier to analyse (filled with techniques)! Maya Angelou writes great poems on racial prejudice and self-love! I think the Harlem resistance is a great place to pick out nice poems for an essay based in racial...
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    What's the best way to memorise content?

    what's your learning style! that's sooooo important. I used to study by reading but turns out, I'm a visual learner. So for system based projects (like sciences), I draw lots of diagrams with lots of arrows and that sticks together. For things like memorising English essays I just wrote it...
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    whats learning biology like, other then the heavy content based reputation?

    High school biology is literally memorisation of concepts. Minimal formulas and information synthesis. HOWEVER I did the old syllabus and I heard the new one has a lot of medical content and lots and lots of self-learning. I think sciences are just becoming super difficult :< If you're good...
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    Best English tutoring centres / tutors?

    It really depends on your learning style. Private tutors are only good if you can be sure they have lots of experience with TEACHING - great marks don't always equal good teaching so keep your eyes peeled for that. I tried out a few private tutors with good marks but they just didn't know how to...