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  1. C

    I don't know how to do my assignment, please help me. Modern History 2021 HSC course

    Hey, Meyyo this has helped me a lot and I would like for you to contact me on my email as I need assistance with my new task. thank you.
  2. C

    2021 English Task 2 HELP PLEASE

    Thank you for the help!!
  3. C

    2021 English Task 2 HELP PLEASE

    The texts that I chose are: This is where it begins and Circular Breathing, both are poems about culture and identity
  4. C

    2021 English Task 2 HELP PLEASE

    This is the I have to do for English and I am very bad at doing Multimodule's and would appreciate any form of help Thank you. Task Description: You have been invited to present a 5-6 minute multimodal presentation at your high school to the parent community about the value of teaching...
  5. C

    I don't know how to do my assignment, please help me. Modern History 2021 HSC course

    My assignment for modern history this term is to compose an essay that answers the question. The question is "To what extent was Soviet foreign policy influenced by Communist (Bolshevik) ideology throughout the period 1917−1941?". Help with this would be very appreciated. Thank you. My email...