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  1. N

    Who's ready for ancient history?

    Yeah we have double the class time so only do 6 units a year. Hyping myself up because its gonna be a shock
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    Who's ready for ancient history?

    Anyone doing HSC ancient next year? How you guys feeling? Im doing compressed so completing prelim and hsc ancient all next year. What topics you guys doing?
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    Lots people from my school do investigating science, and some of them got really good ATARs. They all said they really loved it - it was learning how to be a good scientist with examples across all areas. However, they also said that if you do it you have to do quite well and get a band 6 for it...
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    Maths Question

    Could someone please help with the following question. Its supposed to be related to solving quadratic equations (specifically in the lesson 'using the quadratic formula')
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    subject selection help!!! please!!!!

    Um are you sure you've got 12 units in Year 11? Cause it only seems like 11. Also why not start with SOR2 instead of doing SLR, or better yet still do SLR cause like I said I think you've only got 11 units. If you only do SOR1, by the time you get to hsc year you'll have to learn all the basics...
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    Hey man, thanks for your feedback - I have taken it on board and edited my intro to look something like this: The power of language to explore and express how a person views the world allows authors to describe complex worldviews and discuss the social, cultural and spiritual aspects that...
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    Romeo and Juliet, year 10. "How does the language of the play show how some of the characters view the world?" Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ reveals that love is a lens through which characters view the world, because it shapes their attitudes, values and beliefs. The characters...
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    Year 11 next year

    yeah nice, what are you wanting to do after school or do you have an atar aim?
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    Year 11 next year

    I'm doing english Advanced, 3u maths, bio, ancient history, SOR2 and SLR and aiming to do politics, philosophy, economics. I'm from a small school northern nsw you wouldn't know it. You?
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    Year 11 next year

    Current year 10s going into year 11 next year. Whats everyone doing next year for subjects and what are they looking to do after school? Does anyone feel ready yet? Reply below 😛
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    Should I Do Maths Ext 1?

    Honestly, at my school someone was getting 90% in 5.2 and came up to 5.3 near the start of year 10 and isn't doing the best. Just be prepared that there will be a change - 3u and 5.3 stuff is a lot more conceptual than 5.2. I'm sure you'll be fine, but the people in your class will probably be...
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    Legal Studies

    Thanks very much :)
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    Legal Studies

    Hi all, just wondering whether anyone could give me a review of their experience with legal studies (what its like, how much work it takes, tips) and also how they were able to achieve a good result in the subject.
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    Maths Question Help

    Oh wow, thanks - my teacher just gave me some harder linear questions and I didn't know they were from senior maths. How were you able to find the exact paper and question number of the problem?
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    Maths Question Help

    Hi, I was wondering whether anyone could give me some help or their answer for the following question
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    Well Business Studies is on the same line as Advanced English and I've been told by some people who did law that you should be better off taking a subject you have more interest in (Biology, Ancient History) rather than Legal Studies as its all covered in the first few weeks without the fluff...
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    hEy peeps, So because our school does this thing called compressed curriculum (basically 3 units prelim and hsc one year, another 3 the next year), we have to start year 11 halfway through term 4 this year and we're starting subject selection quite early. I have a few questions, both about...
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    Does God exist?

    See the problem with this is that our world is so complex that we can't even imagine all of the sociological, geographical, cultural factors that account for what religion you believe and your ability to believe in another. Point blank, free will is something we all have, but our ability to...
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    ATARs, uni and the like

    Oh okay thanks everyone, I didn't think your atar would be erased just after 1 year but I wasn't sure. Thanks
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    ATARs, uni and the like

    Hi all, I just had kind of a random question. Some of my friends with older siblings have told me that ATAR doesn't really matter because you can just take a gap year and then it expires. Is this true? If it is, how would you be able to get into uni without an ATAR? So confused 🤣