Thanks, I appreciate this. I relate to you heaps bro. A lot of your advice makes a lot of sense, especially the idea of having a strong emotional foundation before I talk to this girl. How should I go about it? I honestly just wanna talk to her about our feelings and nothing else because she’s...
95% here I come 😈
But yeah that makes sense. I’m not really interested in asking her out because she’s in something, I honestly just want some closure and to be on the same page. Like dannyo1 said, I haven’t got much to lose and i’ll regret never taking any steps.
Yeah, it’s logical that i’m not the only one, but it starts to feel like you’re fighting a war by yourself tbh. It’s still nice to hear that i’m not the only one though.
Yeah i wanna tell her so bad but I feel limited by the fact that she’s already dating the other guy. I’m not interested in...
Everything’s pretty shit at the moment. I’m 99% sure i’m not the only one experiencing most of these things either.
I haven’t hung out with my friends properly in 5 months because of lockdown, and everyone’s been caught up with studying for the exams. I miss them so god damn much man. I...
yeah I 100000% second this. OP, I still barely know what to do (in terms of uni and studying), and taking a gap year seems like a really good option for 3 main reasons:
1 - It gives me plenty of time to figure myself out
2 - It gives me the opportunity to get life experience I otherwise might...
From what I can tell, it seems like a lot of people really struggled with the maths exams (god knows how extension is going atm), so getting a bad mark would be relatively normal. It’d probably still hurt your atar a bit, but the fact that a lot of people struggled will definitely dampen the effect.