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  1. S

    Would I be to achieve at least close to 85 based on my half yearly rankings

    As the title states, my rankings are so poor and my trial marks. Half-yearly rankings: Eng std = 170/193 Adv Math = 30/98 3u math = 36/51 Chem = 26/54 Phys = 22/33 Eco = 15/22 Trials: Eng Std 50% :skull face: 2u Math: 62% also :skull face: 3u math: 49/70 chem: 75% phys: 60% eco: 58% :skull...
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    Can you still get an 85+ ATAR despite bombing your internals

    I am hoping to aim for an B5 for all my subjects, but right now atm I am not performing well as expected for 6 out of my 11 units of my subject. Currently my ranking for Physics is close to last in the grade but my Chemistry and Maths Ext I and Adv is still holding strong. My Economics and...
  3. S

    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    I'm doing standard english anyways, hopefully the syllabus is easy....
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    Like science extension?
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    Isnt that like carrying out a prac in Year 10 Science?
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    I know, like Im saying im focusing on my scaled subjects.
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    Im planning to ditch english since I am pretty bad at writing an formal essay. Sounds like a attempted comedy show. Subjects that gain the better scale can boost my ATAR, true?
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    I might only do physics and chem lol I'm doing ext math for physics, but I need to cover one unit. Do you have to write like an extended response and some stressful assessments like depth study mentioned before?
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    all gs mate :) gl for her, probs I feel like that's now such a bad idea lmao.
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    Wait physics require calculus? Might have to do ext maths then. I think that's already too much more me lmao. Does your friend stress out since I heard these are too much work to handle?. Same thing I mentioned above.
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    Advice for doing 3 science courses.

    This is probs a silly question but is it advisable I should do 3 science courses for year 11? If so what are tips, thanks.
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    hows HSC like

    Unlucky since hsc is getting botched cos COVID lmao
  13. S

    Whats the best University?

    Hello where I'm still a year 10 student. Looking to enhance my education by going to a University after high school. What's the best University in Australia? I am informed that the Unis in the Greater Sydney region is better? I highly doubt the statement as I heard one of the Unis in Melbourne...
  14. S

    hows HSC like

    This is my first post, Im still in year 10 but I'm wondering hows HSC like?. Assuming no disruptions like COVID lockdowns, etc.