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    Project Management

    Hello! I have an assignment for IPT to do a case study of a business and I am confused on how to implement it in my assignment. I am doing a music streaming company
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    Still I rise [Overcoming adversity]

    Hello, I am doing Still I rise by Maya Angelou as a human experience text but when I analyse the poem, I can not find how the author overcomes adversity. Is it alright if you help me? Thank you <3333
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    Yes it has thank you so much for helping me 😊
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    Hello!! I am looking through some past papers and relating them back to the syllabus to write some notes and I came across these points: P4: assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functions P5: examines the application of management theories and strategies Would P4 and P5 be...
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    Business Studies Syllabus Question

    Hello!! I have been looking through the syllabus writing notes and there is one point I do not understand. P3: Describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium enterprises. What type of notes do I write on that? Is it going to be a question based on a stimulus? I...
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    Management Approaches

    It has helped me so much thank you for it! If the employees works hard on visionary projects striving to meet targets to satisfy the owner. Would it be Behavioural or Contingency. Those two are the ones I get very confused between the two.
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    Management Approaches

    Hello!!!! I have an exam and which management approach put people at the centre and does not imply that he gave users what they wanted nor that owner created a playful organisation where ideas flew from the bottom top. (He = owner)