Based off my half yearly sor 1 was 24/95, 39/114 for english, 6/23 for investigating, 35/86 for math, business and biology were kinda low but that was based off the first exam business I brought it back ranked like 12th in exam 2 and bio brought it back ranked 30th out of like 60 something people
These trials and that got me stressing lol. In theory if I mess up my internal assesments how badly would that hurt me cause for some subjects I did mid and am hoping I bring it back in the HSC. My school was ranked 284 last year for HSC.
Ahh ok I was kinda worried because of the ATAR Calculators like MATRIX had me stressing.
Lets say I get 2-3 band 5s or 6s what possible ATAR could I be looking at seeing I did mid on everything else?
I currently do Standard Maths/Eng, Business, Bio, Investigating, Sor 1.
Just wondering how hard is it to achieve an Atar of 75+ with these subjects they are pretty mid in terms of scaling but I kinda just wanna see from another person who has had a experience with my chosen subjects on what it...
Hey guys I am currently a year 12 student about to begin my HSC trial exams. I just need a few tips that can actually help me study and revise.
My weaker subjects are
Standard English