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  1. B

    What is the point of a textbook deposit?

    Oh wow! Has there been cases where students did not return there textbooks?
  2. B

    What is the point of a textbook deposit?

    These are physical textbooks (but tbh I used the digital counterpart (which I found online) more often since it was more convenient. In regard to schools lending digital textbooks, I think some schools have libraries that offer e-lending via a "one copy, one user" licence and lend e-textbooks to...
  3. B

    What is the point of a textbook deposit?

    Oh wow, that's rough... Out of curiosity, do you go to a private school? I couldn't imagine a gov school making you pay that much
  4. B

    What is the point of a textbook deposit?

    Hmmmm yea reasonable enough
  5. B

    What is the point of a textbook deposit?

    Just finished my HSC and am in the process of returning textbooks so that I can get a refund on the textbook deposit ($140). I understand that this deposit serves as monetary collateral, but couldn't your HSC be used as the collateral without paying the deposit? What are the problems with giving...