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  1. L

    MOD C help

    Hi guys, ive been asked to draw inspiration from Atwood's speech Spotty Handed Villainesses for modc. I am doing a discursive but need help with ideas. How can I draw ionspirationfrom the ideas of Atwood's speech but still make it exciting and fresh for themarkers? Thanks!!
  2. L

    MOD A - Textual Converstions help

    Hi! I was wondering for MOD A eng adv, would we ever be asked to write a creative? The rubric mentions responding imaginatively but i’ve never seen such a question before? Thankssss
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    Postmodernism helpp

    Hi Im looking for short story texts that can be analysed through a postmodern lens. Preferably a really short one (roughly 1000 words) WHat i have in mind currently is The Fifth Story by Clarice Lispector. It is a good example of metafiction. However what I feel like it lacks is exploration of...
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    Reading to write help

    Hiiiii, I need some help with common mod year 11! My first assessment task is a creative + reflection. I was wondering for this module, will i ever be asked to write an essay and not an imaginative. And also, i see alot of people doing short answer questions for this module. Is that also a...
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    Help with critical theory

    Hi, I’m a little confused rn with english so if anybody who knows anything about critical theories pls help! I’m currently learning about the different critical theories like feminism, marxism etc. I’m on postcolonialism rn and i was wondering if colonialism is also a theory? I’m not getting...
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    Hi! I will be graduating in 2023 and I am interested in a career in optometry, specifically the double degree offered by UNSW I saw that UNSW was offering a Bachelor of vision science as well as a bachelor of vision science/master of clinical optometry. I was wondering what was the difference...
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    Is 10 units too risky?

    Hi, I’m currently studying 12 units and need some advice on my subjects My courses are: - 3u maths - 3u english - chemistry - biology - PDHPE Having done the accelerated maths course, I have completed 3u maths with the class of 2022 so technically I am doing 9 units at the moment I was...