In the question they said that a pion was a meson AND that mesons are composed of two quarks
So you then looked at the table and added the charges of the correct quark and antiquark until they made sense
So ur prolly right
For that question you had to find the new vertical velocity using data from Part B and find the angle of the resultant velocity using the horizontal 2x10^6 m/s from the question
Then use that angle with the 0.03m also from the question to find the vertical distance using trig
And then you had...
How much harder or easier than last year? some 2022 and 2023 q13/14 was kinda wtf for me so im praying its not as difficult this year
or they could make it impossible
Hi guys, Ive been looking at entering UNSW Engineering and have been given an offer for the Portfolio Scheme (that reduces entry requirement to an 83 from a 90 ATAR), but lately I have been aiming for an ATAR >95 (maybe 97??? but I am not sure if that is feasible for me currently), just for fun...
sup so I was thinking about dropping Modern, I've been holding onto that thought for the last three weeks since Y12 has started
I'm currently doing 13 units, if I drop it I go down to 11
I haven't immediately dropped it yet because I'm concerned about my Physics prelim mark (57%, but still...
hey guys, so I was wondering if the prelim marks at my school are an indicator of how well my cohort is gonna do in the HSC, since year prelim averages were pretty bad (50% for all sciences, engineering, and MX1). I go to a decent school in NSW (top 50) if that matters
is this because the tests...