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  1. J

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    Your picks are stuck for the december round (coming out 23 december), but after that you can change them anytime before 2 Jan before more offers are released on 9 Jan
  2. J

    Society and Culture (SOC) predictions

    hmm interesting
  3. J

    Society and Culture (SOC) predictions

    I don't think any of 'the near future' subtopic yet has been asked for belief systems/ideologies and still has been barely asked for pop culture
  4. J

    Legal Studies Predictions

    Does anyone have question predictions for consumers or GEP? i'm really hoping we aren't forced to write about contemporary issues for consumers but credit hasn't been asked in ages...
  5. J

    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    I thought Q10 was =pi because of the rule that arctan(x)+arctan(1/x)=pi/2
  6. J

    Has any HSC question been asked twice in a row?

    Hi everyone :) I'm curious if anyone is aware of any HSC exams where pretty much the same question has been asked two years in a row in a content heavy/writing subject (as in, not like, maths), e.g. an essay or short answer question about the same syllabus dot point. I'm pretty sure this hasn't...