For our school, our trial was marked by hsc markers and they were pretty lenient - I reckon as long as you're using proper economic terminology, theory, stats (recent) and examples (covid, gfc etc) you can easily be looking at A range marks for ur essays. Knowledge of content can only take you...
definitely - ext stab would most likely be smth like analyse how changes in ausrtalias T&FFs affect its ES
ER could be really anything - again could be TFFs related like how to fluctuations in ERs affect Aus TFFs
Most likely going to be attached to topic 2 i don't see it being standalone
They have done a few pulley questions and an 8 mark combinatorics question in 2020 (with like 3 shows) so I wouldn't count them out this year. Perhaps they will do a big thing on vector forces this year (just a thought cuz they havent put much emphasis on it in previous years)
I believe it was in a trial - but they could ask something along the lines of "Evaluate/Assess/Analyse/TWE do changes in either T&FFs or BoP specifically impact external stability.
Personally, I would answer that by saying how the BoP/T&FFS change (ER/inflation/IR diff etc) and then make a...
From what I've heard, standard and adv were pretty damn hard compared to previous years, however with e2 I thought it wasn't too bad comparatively except for 15/16 where it got pretty problematic. At least for e1 - I think last years wasn't too bad, my prediction is that it will be harder than...
Yeah I just went over the 8 marks combs question had me on ropes - but they are all each 2 marks per so really we've never seen more than two marks per.
On another note in the e2 exam we got a question asking us to explain what was wrong with some proposed proof; do you think we could get a...
Does anyone know the most marks they've allocated to a single perms/combs question? I feel like every paper has like one or two qs but theyre usually like 2 marks max (or even a multi)
Not a yt channel but if u havent seen it you could try hscmathsbytopic.firsteducation . com . au (remove the spaces) - just pick e1 and pick the topics u want to improve. this really helped me for e2 so maybe give it a try
I agree, i think they will do something about either recent monetary policy trends (so COVID, pre & post) and their impact on either the economy as a whole or maybe objectives (price stability, income dis - i think its more likely on the economy as a whole tho)
I think they will definitely...