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  1. H

    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    Band 5 cut off?
  2. H

    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    It’s D bruh
  3. H

    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    Scaling predictions was this harder than 2019?
  4. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    Do we have to add the mass of the solid?
  5. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    what if i calculated degree of ionisation and did the ph do I get full marks?
  6. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    do you think I can get one mark for writing the dissociation equation for last q or no?
  7. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    guys was structure A 1-bromopropane?
  8. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    lol I just want to know if I can some marks
  9. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    How do you do the last question?
  10. H

    Chemistry Predictions/Thoughts

    What did you guys get for how many moles were added to the system or something?
  11. H

    Maths Extension 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    cut off predictions?