Hi ive finished my first term of year 12 and have gotten some of my marks back and theyve been decent but not the best. I really want to rank top 3 for most of my subjects and was wondering what i should do in these holidays to really get ahead?
Also, in preparation for trials and stuff I was...
thanks for your input !! I havent really done enough research into law yet to know whether id like it or not but Im mostly interested just based on the fact that i like english based subjects (reading, writing wtc) as of now im just fairly interested in this field, but hopefully i can find what...
Hi, I was wondering if theres anyone that has completed or is doing a uni degree in commerce or economics.
I was wondering if it is necessary to have done hsc economics, as when i was making my subject selections i was scaredoff by the seniors saying economics was too hard, and only picked...
when talking abouut the authors context and purpose would that be like mentioning how for example the crucible is an allegory of mccarthysm and how miller wants to criticise the flaws of that movement? or would the context be like how miller referenced the 17th century puritan society? also...
Hi ive had a teacher whos basically iot taught me anything this whole year and I was wondering if anyone had some useful tips for achieving good marks in the common module ? This is my first year 12 assesment and itll be an essay on the crucible and my related text.