Just chose the subs I'm actually doing but for some more reference as an estimate over the years:
0 Band 6s in Chem
1 in Physics
0-1 in Society and Culture
4-5 in Music
3 in Visual Arts
4 in Design and Tech
0 in CAFS
1 in Entertainment Industry
0 in Earth and Environmental
0-1 in Biology
In the following subjects the school receives, on average:
. 2 band 6s in English Adv
. 0-1 band 6s in Maths Adv
. 0 band 6s in Geography
. 0-1 band 6s in Industrial Tech Multimedia
. 1 band 6s in Ancient History
I got 85% for my prelim exam for this subject, losing most of my marks from the long responses. Could someone please give me a detailed scaffold on how to write and prepare for long responses that you encounter in the trial and HSC?
Hi, I completed my first assessment task for Ancient History and got 84%, rank 4 out of 22 students, mind you at a public school. How can I improve to achieve in that elusive band 6 mark range?
I did poor in the prelims for this subject except for the final exam where I achieved a score of 85%. Wondering how to study best for this fairly easy sub (e.g past papers, teacher advice etc). Any advice would be very much appreciated :)