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  1. J

    The Yellow Wallpaper

    Im using the YEllow Wallpaper as my related text and i ahve found some socila paradgims to be patriachal society and the power of relationships. I have to make a 10 min presentation on this related text as to how it depicts two apradigms in the nineteenth century. i have about 4 mins and im...
  2. J

    Friends of People who have a sibling wiht a disability

    either it doesnt matter, jsut any from of disability. i jsut need some mroe comments and opinions as myr esearch question has very little research in the wider community and so it makes it hard to find information on it. it hought this wya i can dicuss how others feel that children of a sibling...
  3. J

    Friends of People who have a sibling wiht a disability

    Hey if you guys are friends wiht people who ahve a disability or you are a person who has a sibling wiht a disability and feel like helping me with my CAFS IRP can you please answer teh below question. It doenst ahve to be an essay like two sentences or watever will be fine. How does your...
  4. J

    Sibling with a Disability

    For community and family studies we need to conduct an IRP on any topic we choose and i chose to base mine on teh personalities of siblings of those children with a disability. If anyone has a sibling with a disability and would like to complete a survey please let me know. thank u
  5. J

    Journey to the Interior

    I have been tring to research this poem and i finally found a copy i Know it is generally used for Inner Journeys but my teacher told me that it is in fact an excellent exmaple fo an imaginary journey as well. i was jstu wondering if anyone could help analyse it as an imaginative journey
  6. J

    My IRP

    Im completing my commmunity and family studies indepent research project on the topic Does a Disability within a Family affect the Siblings Personality? i will love for people to complete a survey as i am struggling to find people who want to. No body in your family necessarily has to have a...
  7. J

    Transgenic Species

    omg thankyou so much i am in love with you
  8. J

    Transgenic Species

    I was Just wondering wat are the main ethical issues concered with trangenic species?