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  1. S

    Studying for chem1102

    Hi i was just wondering whats the best way to study for chem. Like do you really need to know all that theory or can u just go into the exams knowing how to apply the formulas and do the right calculations for pH, redox reactions etc and still do fairly well.Coz from lookin at the chem past...
  2. S

    Anyone know any free sites for unlocking nokia 6610?

    I have a nokia 6610 which is curretnly locked to optus, does anyone know the codes i can use or any site that will unlock my phone for free thanks.
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    Where Are The COles Myers Interview Held?

    Just outta curioisity does ne know where the coles myer interview are normally held?
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    Special Feature Of MSN

    how do i get that special feature with MSN where i can tell whether of not someone that i am talking to has closed or opened up a chat window?
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    CSSA trial times

    so it all depends on the school, coz heard if u use the CSSA papers u got to start at the times they state for some reason.
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    CSSA trial times

    Aug 2 - Aug 16 That link only tells us how long they go for not the times they start
  7. S

    CSSA trial times

    what are the times for the CSSA trials coz i havent got mine yet. Are the morning classes normally at 920 am and arvo at 155 pm?