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  1. A

    Psych Notes?

    I agree, making your own notes is a much better way to learn, and im not finding 105 difficult. Im asking for notes because that way when i approach a new topic i dont have to wait until ive covered it to have a set of good notes, it gives me a framework of understanding as its actually covered...
  2. A

    Psych Notes?

    Hey does anyone who has finished psych or otherwise have notes they would pass my way? Im almost through first year n loving it, but id love notes for any psych subject/year that peeps r willing to share. If u have notes but dont want to just give em away to a perfect stranger then post anyway...
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    Model Answers?

    i have compiled all the old ancient papers together but i want to know how best to answer them. I wont be able to buy the BOS responses for a while, does anyone know where i can get like a marking outline (not criteria) with detailed reference to what you could talk about. Or some example...